Hora te Pai Opening Hours are Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.00pm.
A registered nurse is available during these hours.
Tamariki Ora services have a range of programmes offered to their clients including:
* Tamariki Ora Parenting Group - a monthly educational/craft group for parents/carers on the last Thursday of each month.
* The Hungry Puku - Basic cooking classes on a budget; fortnightly from May to July.
* Breastfeeding support group - Held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.
* Open clinic - Waikanae clinic, no appointment necessary, every Monday.
* B4Schools checks - 4 year checks, by appointment, every Monday.
* Antenatal classes - monthly sessions incorporating both Western and Maori practices around pregnancy and childbirth.
Hora Te Pai premises
As well as these groups, the team is available, Monday to Friday for Home-visiting well child schedule checks and additional visits as required; advocacy to secondary appointments and parenting meetings. A new addition to the team is a breast feeding support worker to work with whanau promoting exclusive breastfeeding in the first 12 months.
Whanau Ora services provide a range of general health education and promotion, advisory, liaison and co-ordinated activities. Whanau ora services include Maori community health, diabetes education and management, physical activity and nutrition.
* Tumeke - our kaumatua group who meet every Wednesday.
* Cancer Support Group - meet monthly on a Friday.
* Harakeke Raranga - a weekly programme with youth, designed to incorporate traditional Maori values in working with harakeke.
* Diabetes client support group - monthly
* Fitness Classes - designed for all levels of fitness, held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Bookings are essential these can be made through the receptionist at Hora Te Pai.
The team at Hora Te Pai has grown to 18 now, with 1 manager, 2 admin, 5 registered nurses, 4 community health workers