Kenzie Epsom

557 Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland
Physical address
PO Box 27522, Mount Roskill, Auckland, 1440
Postal address
 based on 1 review(s)
Telephone (09) 631 5852
Fax (09) 630 8856

* * * *
12th July 2010
Cafe Kenzie in Epsom is a great little joint for popping into on the weekend. It's small but there's upstairs seating (which can also double as a party room for kids). The food is lovely and they do bit a bit of gluten free baking which always goes down well in my books (the orange cake was yummo). Neat little place for a natter and a read of the paper. Great for singletons too.
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Contact  Kenzie Epsom
Telephone (09) 631 5852