You can expect your property inspection report to cover...
- Subfloor inspection which covers ground condition, services plumbing & electrical, ventilation to subfloor, piles, bearers, joists, flooring, insulation, pile connections etc
- Internal inspection which covers the level of the floor, testing of electrical points, full moisture checks using non-invasive dielectric moisture machine, checking of fixtures, hardware, and services
- Roof space inspection includes insulation checks, presence of vermin, checking of underside of roof for leaks, electrical, plumbing, testing any DVS / HRV systems.
- Roof inspection which covers the general condition of roof, fixings, gutters
-Exterior inspection includes checking cladding/s, soffits, fascia and barge boards, windows, flashings, gulley traps, hose taps, decking, stairs / steps and the downpipes.
-General inspection of services which involves checking fencing, clothesline, any outbuildings and accessory sheds.