Rahzoo Cafe

32 Waring Taylor St, Wellington, WELLINGTON, 0
Postal address
32 Waring Taylor St, Wellington, WELLINGTON, 0
Postal address
 based on 1 review(s)
Telephone (04) 472 6815
Fax (04) 938 3089
Mobile (025) 517 803

* * * * 1/2
20th October 2010
I can get good coffee and good food at several in this vicinity, but I go to Rahzoo every day for my caffine fix. I have done so since for two years. Why? Because not only do I get my coffee exactly how I like it, but the staff know all the regulars and treat them like friends.
As for the food, it's very good. I suggest you go early to be sure of getting a seat.
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Contact  Rahzoo Cafe
Telephone (04) 472 6815